October 21, 2005

ThinkGeek :: Mvix Multimedia Player

ThinkGeek :: Mvix Multimedia Player


At Fri Nov 11, 10:00:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous stated.....

Some Serious Bang for Your Buck
If you're like me, as well as probably more than half of America, you want your hard-earned bucks to go as far as possible. But even more than go far, you want those bucks to produce some serious bang, if you know what I mean.

And if bang for buck is the goal, I need to tell ya' that the new MviX (MV-4000U) Multimedia Center is just your baby. At 199 smackers, this portable entertainment center costs less than two months of the combined premium cable television and internet hookup services for the average customer.

But key to the conversation is that the MviX 4000-U has the ability to finally interface those two basic media options, turning your computer into a television and home audio system accessory and of course, vice-versa. In fact, with the new player you can finally take full advantage of your cable bill outlays, maximizing the entertainment possibilities of your cable/internet connections.

For serious bang, the MviX (MV-4000U) is actually a four in-one device that allows you to watch and listen to your multimedia materials the way you want to watch and listen to them. By simply connecting the MviX player to your PC, you can download your favorite movies and home videos onto the unit's hard drive. By then connecting the player to your television, you can then broadcast these videos over your large television screen.

With the very same hook-up, you can download your digital photo files to the unit's hard drive, then display those same photos again over your large screen television or even through a projector unit. By downloading the pictures onto the MviX, you need not figure out a way to move your computer or connect your PC to the television set-up. Just move the portable player from room to room.

The new player also provides hard drive storage for a vast array of audio files. Once again, download those files from your PC to the MviX 4000-U and you can now play all forms of audio through the TV speakers or on your existing audio system.

In using these various features, the system also comes with an IR remote control that supports all playback functions. With that little gadget, your media selection options are literally at your fingertips and available from the comfort of your easy chair. For those who love to channel surf the television, just think of the options available now when the program you were watching goes to commercial or better yet when there is nothing on the cable channels to take your mind off the day's challenges. Talk about serious bang.

And perhaps the most significant aspect of the new unit is its ability to grow with your needs. The hard drive storage is fully upgradeable while future firmware updates will be available for download from the MviX website. The multimedia player will literally provide years of entertainment for the purchaser. Contrast that with how quickly we usually need to seek the next generation of PC.

The new MviX (MV 4000-U) Multimedia Player is the next generation in portable entertainment, a generation that is more in line with mine. Because this baby doesn't cost a whole lot more than the sales tax I paid on my new HD plasma television. (Check out: www.mvixusa.com/shop)


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