Lost in Translation
This is different. Worth a shot if you are bored I suppose.
Lost in Translation
f r a n g i p a n i | gallery :: Manholes of Japan
f r a n g i p a n i | gallery :: Manholes of Japan
Coldplay Out-Tuned by Ring Tone - May 30, 2005
Coldplay Out-Tuned by Ring Tone - May 30, 2005
The Complete List - ALL-TIME 100 Movies - TIME Magazine
The Complete List - ALL-TIME 100 Movies - TIME Magazine
Generally Funny - Bob Ross Eat Your Heart Out
Phil Spector is one scary looking dude! I guess he thinks 'Fro's are in!
Generally Funny - Bob Ross Eat Your Heart Out
The Longest Yard Movie Starring Adam Sandler - Official Site
The Longest Yard Movie Starring Adam Sandler - Official Site
Simultaneous movie, video plan irks theater owners - Yahoo! News
Personally, I think it would be nice to have the option of viewing arena.
Simultaneous movie, video plan irks theater owners - Yahoo! News
Contender may move to ESPN.
I actually was one of the few who watched this show on a semi-regular basis and I wouldn't mind if it was granted a second season. I can't believe I just admitted that.
reality blurred + The Contender may move to ESPN.
Arrest warrant for former Steeler Burress over unpaid taxes (phillyBurbs.com)
Arrest warrant for former Steeler Burress over unpaid taxes (phillyBurbs.com)
FDA Looking Into Blindness-ED Drug Link
So is it the drug or all of the monkey-spanking thats causing these people to go blind?
FDA Looking Into Blindness-ED Drug Link - Yahoo! News
WHAT SONGS GET YOU PUMPED UP?(ie. what songs do you listen to before competing in a sporting event?)Personally I like to listen to Rage Against the Machine's first two albums.
Post your songs in the comment section.
Almost time for Cable Cars and Rice-A-Roni
The countdown has hit 9 days!!!!!!! I will be heading across our vast country to the Golden State of California. That's right, Sunday Jun 5th cannot come quick enough. I am really looking forward to taking in the sights in San Francisco and experiencing much of the west coast culture as I can. I am sure it's a marked difference from good ole Western Pa.
Check out these links and help me decide (POST COMMENTS) on the places I should check out while I am there. (Sunday - Wednesday)
sf via wikipedia
sf history
sf travel
Keep the can cool.
Mark Harden's Artchive
If you like art.....
Mark Harden's Artchive
UK Jumps Back on the Biometric ID Card Bandwagon
UK Jumps Back on the Biometric ID Card Bandwagon
Netcraft extends "phishing" protection to Firefox users
Netcraft extends phishing protection to Firefox users
Netscape 8 'breaks' IE - Yahoo! UK & Ireland News
This is kinda funny to me.
Netscape 8 'breaks' IE - Yahoo! UK & Ireland News
Pharmacy business closes at Turtle Creek landmark
Pharmacy business closes at Turtle Creek landmark
Prodisc Boosts DVD-R Capacity - Yahoo! News
Prodisc Boosts DVD-R Capacity - Yahoo! News
Image Savant - S P O R E
Image Savant - S P O R E
Hackers Holding Computer Files 'Hostage' - Yahoo! News
Hackers Holding Computer Files 'Hostage' - Yahoo! News
The Complete List - ALL-TIME 100 Movies - TIME Magazine
The Complete List - ALL-TIME 100 Movies - TIME Magazine
Darth Vader and the New World Order
Pubs call time on 'Happy Hour' promotions - Yahoo! News
Pubs call time on 'Happy Hour' promotions - Yahoo! News
ThinkGeek :: Neuros MPEG-4 Recorder
Hmmmm...This might be worth picking up.
ThinkGeek :: Neuros MPEG-4 Recorder
Samsung Replaces Hard Drives With Flash - Yahoo! News
Samsung Replaces Hard Drives With Flash - Yahoo! News
How to Brew Beer in a Coffee Pot
Nice! Now I have to try this when I get home.
How to Brew Beer in a Coffee Pot
ESPN.com - NFL - Agent: Ricky Williams 'absolutely' set for Dolphins camp
ESPN.com - NFL - Agent: Ricky Williams 'absolutely' set for Dolphins camp
Props to http://www.georgecoghill.com/ for use of the image.
E3 and Madden 2006: The MaddenNation Report!
Madden 2006:
'Madagascar' pushes tech limits | CNET News.com
'Madagascar' pushes tech limits | CNET News.com
Wired News: Next for BitTorrent: Search
Wired News: Next for BitTorrent: Search
The Sith Sense
The Sith Sense
Master Yoda's Blog
Master Yoda's Blog
Pearl Jam Eyeing Fall
A new PJ album is definately blog-worthy!
RollingStone.com: Pearl Jam : Pearl Jam Eyeing Fall : News
Phantom Technologies
I need more info on this. Has anyone heard of this thing?
Phantom Technologies
Wired News: Give Your DVD Player the Finger
I'd like to flip-off a lot of people/things but I don't think my DVD player is on that list.
DVD Piracy Protection
Hacker Hunters
Hacker Hunters
The Time Has Come..............
Google Allows Users To Customize Its Home Page
Google Home Page Customization
BSA Reacts to 'New' BitTorrent
Via SlashDot
BSA Reacts to 'New' BitTorrent
I really need to educate myself more on the whole Torrent craze.
Ricky 'very interested' in returning to NFL
I hear it's on the condition that he can smoke the wacky weed during the offseason.
Ricky Williams
NHL, PA meet for 14 hours in longest session yet
Marathon sessionLet's get a deal done already!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spiderman 3
This could prove to be a great addition to the cast!
Spider-Man 3
WCCO: Onterrio Smith Suspended For Season
Here is one dude who cannot say no to the ganja!
WCCO: Onterrio Smith Suspended For Season
Netscape's Two-Headed Browser
This one might be worth at least a quick trial run. I'm not sure I'm convinced that it will be that much better but what do I know.
First Look: Netscape's Two-Headed Browser
Download it here
Free Download
Microsoft Reveals More Details on Office 12
I didn't think that this was due out until late next year.
Microsoft Reveals More Details on Office 12
The 2.5 Gigapixel Pic
Props to some Tree Huggin Dirt Worshipper for this link.
TNO TPD - GigaPix UK
The Rolling Stones and Pearl Jam
To go or not to go......this is a tough decision!!!
RS and PJ Flash Animation Tickets
Final 'Star Wars' film leaked to the Internet
File sharing is awesome isn't it!!!!!!

Via Yahoo! News
Final 'Star Wars' film leaked to the Internet (check BitTorrent if you really want it!)
DMB Stands Up to Weezer
Via Yahoo News
DMB Stands Up to Weezer
Just had to give props to a cool site that I found while surfing for gadget news.
Dark Crystal 2????
I wonder if it could live up to the first one?
Dark Crystal news (Ron- This one is for you!)
The Office
Firefox gets an "A+" for effort in my book.
The Office - Funnyfox
Google Sightseeing
Looks like a UFO to me!
Google Sightseeing
If you decide to check out this site make sure you look around.....there is a ton of good pics here of stuff found by browsing google maps.
Google Store
Is there anything this site/company can't or won't do?
Google Store
Google Maps and Cheap Gas
Find a spot near you !!!!!!!!!!!
Cheap Gas
I wonder if this will be worth checking out. What am I saying.....the Zelda series has never let me down before.
Zelda Universe
Through the years
This is a collection of Apple's home page over the years.
Apple's HomePage - a photoset on Flickr
John Lennon Artificial Intelligence Project (JLAIP) - Official Site
I have no words for this...
John Lennon Artificial Intelligence Project (JLAIP) - Official Site
Awesome online magazine-like thing
I'm so F-ing Proud of this team!
Palko said it best.....
Pitt is the Shit!!!!
Maddox Wants To Be A Starter
Via PittsburghLIVE.com
RSS Playlists, Thanks to XSPF
Very interesting stuff....
Via The RSS Weblog
RSS Playlists, Thanks to XSPF
H.Ward is the shite!
Via PittsburghLIVE.com
Ward's Worth Goes Beyond The Numbers
Another nice design!
Since we are on the subject of games and new systems....here goes PS3.
Sony spills PlayStation 3's guts | CNET News.comLooks like silver is the new "in" color.
The story behind new Xbox design and a link to an article about their new slew of games
Via Seattle Times
The story behind new Xbox designThis new XBOX design is killer. Even though I am not much of the gamer anymore I know I will be picking one up.

Here is a great article on some of the new titles that will be released.
Lots O' Games
Is it finally time for 3D online?
Is it finally time for 3D online?
Now thats what I'm talking about!
Blogs haven't displaced media
Via Yahoo!
Study: Blogs haven't displaced media
What is this all about.....
Czech Republic snaps Canada's string of world titles
Hockey World Championships
Sober Worm Spawns German Spam - Yahoo! News
Sober Worm Spawns German Spam - Yahoo! News
Wired News: Super Water Kills Bugs Dead
Via Wired.Com
Wired News: Super Water Kills Bugs Dead
When Is a Baked-Bean Can a Wi-Fi Network Antenna?
Via Yahoo! News
When Is a Baked-Bean Can a Wi-Fi Network Antenna?
New Worm Targets AIM Users
Via Yahoo! News
New Worm Targets AIM Users
Microsoft Updates Desktop Search Toolbar
Via Yahoo! News
Microsoft Updates Desktop Search Toolbar
Next via the Internet: tailored TV
Next via the Internet: tailored TV
TIME.com: On the Beach With Dave Chappelle
TIME.com: On the Beach With Dave Chappelle
Survivor finale tough to handicap
�Survivor� finale tough to handicap - SurvivorGo Tom!!
Bob's Cube
Go have a poke around.
NOTE: This is not JoePub's cube.
The Deanimator
This is a little different. Cool flash work.
Bum Lee > Deanimator
'Milbloggers' are typing their place in history
'Milbloggers' are typing their place in history
15 things you can do with RSS (it was supposed to be 10, but I got carried away) - Tim Yang's Geek Blog
15 things you can do with RSS (it was supposed to be 10, but I got carried away) - Tim Yang's Geek Blog
Microsoft Throws Prime-Time Party for Next Xbox - Yahoo! News
Microsoft Throws Prime-Time Party for Next Xbox - Yahoo! News
Free Frosty's
Thanks to my good friend Joe Pub for digging this one up.
Y! Music Engine errrrr....... Y-Tunes?
The latest foray into music dowloading/organizing/streaming.
Y! Music Engine
Report: Pressure Behind 'Chappelle' Delay
Report: Pressure Behind 'Chappelle' Delay

11 more days.....

Camouflage Car ?????????????
Sabers (2 links)
How lightsabers work........
Lightsabers Beware...slow server speed, so it might take awhile for this one
The Most Powerful Sabers In The Known Universe
How about just walking your lazy ass outside and checking for yourself.
Do I Need A Jacket? - The Weather Right Now
The Electronic Scrolling LED Belt Buckle
Kevin Smith, Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead), and Edgar Wright discuss Star Wars
Empire Online
Interesting Pics
Morning Glory Waves of the Gulf of Carpentaria
Morning Glory Waves of the Gulf of Carpentaria
I really hope this doesn't suck. It has some potential, but then again so did Starsky and Hutch.
The Dukes of Hazzard - Yahoo! Movies Exclusive Trailer
Big Ben defends bike riding - PittsburghLIVE.com
Big Ben defends bike riding - PittsburghLIVE.com
Steelers' quest to return to Super Bowl begins with minicap - PittsburghLIVE.com
Steelers' quest to return to Super Bowl begins with minicap - PittsburghLIVE.com
Is VoIP Service the Next Big Target for Hackers? - Yahoo! News
Is VoIP Service the Next Big Target for Hackers? - Yahoo! News
"Chappelle's Show" Shut Down - Yahoo! News
"Chappelle's Show" Shut Down - Yahoo! News
waytoomany.com - the waytoomany beer waterfall
waytoomany.com - the waytoomany beer waterfall
Colonel Angus
Colonel Angus
Coming soon: Google TV?: ZDNet Australia: Insight: Hardware
Coming soon: Google TV?: ZDNet Australia: Insight: Hardware
Burger war grows with new 15 pounder - Food, Inc. - MSNBC.com
Burger war grows with new 15 pounder - Food, Inc. - MSNBC.com
Spyware industry 'raking in billions' - Yahoo! UK & Ireland News
Spyware industry 'raking in billions' - Yahoo! UK & Ireland News
eMacs and iMacs get more bite - Yahoo! UK & Ireland News
eMacs and iMacs get more bite - Yahoo! UK & Ireland News
Slashdot | Open Document Format Approved
Slashdot | Open Document Format Approved
Wired News: Ethanol Grows as Gas Alternative
Wired News: Ethanol Grows as Gas Alternative
FOXSports.com - NFL- Ex-Bears RB Thomas signs with Cowboys
FOXSports.com - NFL- Ex-Bears RB Thomas signs with Cowboys
F the Dawg Pound. Looks like they have a real winner with Winslow.
Yahoo! Sports - NFL - Winslow injured in motorcycle accident
Side note: Looks like B. Edwards is a little banged up already too....